The postcards has images from L'Esclave Endormi, Baby I Love You So,
Colourbox (CAD508), Peppermint Pig, Sunburst And Snowblind, Head Over
Heels (CAD313CD), Treasure, The Pink Opaque, Victorialand, Le Mystere
Des Voix Bulgares Volume 1, Ricochet Days/Chapter 12 and It'll End In
The posters has images from Cocteau Twins («Head Over Heels»,
«Aikea-Guinea», «Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops», «Treasure», «Tiny
Dynamine», «Victorialand»), Modern English («Ricochet Days»,
«Someone's Calling»), «Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares vol. 1», This
Mortal Coil («16 Days», «It'll End In Tears»), Colourbox
(«Colourbox»), Richenel («L'Esclave Endormi»), Clan of Xymox («A
Day/Stranger») and Xmal Deutschland («Incubus Succubus II»). The size
of these posters are about 12x18 inches.
Sleeve by Robert Schackleton and Vaughan Oliver.