Tea Cakes
Yorkshire Tea Cake
"Mrs. Hudson's" Lemon Tea Cake
Yorkshire Tea Cake
Contributed by Susan O'Brien on May 23, 1998
Source: "Dairy Book of Home Cookery," 1968.
1 lb flour
1 level teaspoon salt
1 oz English or Welsh butter [Well, it *is* the Dairy Cookbook]
1 oz caster sugar
2 oz currants
1/2 (half) oz fresh yeast
1/2 pint lukewarm milk
- Sift flour and sugar into bowl and rub in butter. Add sugar and currants,
toss together lightly
- Blend yeast with milk. Add all at once to dry ingredients. Mix to firm
dough. Knead for 10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic.
- Cover and leave to rise for 10 minutes. Knead well again, divide into 6
pieces. Roll into 6" rounds. Cover and leave to rise until almost double in
- Bake just above centre of fairly hot oven, 400 F or gas mark 6 for 20
- To serve split open and spread thickly with butter.
Can be split open and toasted before buttering.
Contributed by Mary Hudspeath on November 12, 1998
Source: Having Tea by Catherine Calvert
Note from Mary: "I came across an interesting book last year called "Having
Tea" by Catherine Calvert. Each chapter deals with a different season, holiday
or place, all celebrating the joys of taking tea. In a chapter called
"Thirties-Style Tearoom" appears this recipe. As an interesting footnote to
this - the recipe is from the Tea-Time tearoom near Clapham Common, Mr. Brett's
former neighborhood."
Yield: Makes one 7" round cake or 8" loaf
2 lemons
3/4 cup sugar
8 T. (1 stick) salted butter, softened
2 lg eggs, beaten
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
6 T. milk
3 T. sugar, for topping
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and line a 7" round cake pan or 8"
loaf pan with parchment or wax paper.
- Grate the lemon rinds and set aside. Combine the juice of 1 lemon with
3 T. sugar in a bowl and set in a warm place until the sugar dissolves
and forms a syrup with the juice.
- Cream the butter and the rest of the sugar together until light and
fluffy. Add the beaten eggs, a little at a time, beating well after
each addition. Stir in the grated lemon rind and flour; beat again
thoroughly ( the longer you beat, the softer the cake). Add the milk
and beat again.
- Pour into the prepared pan and bake for at least 1 Hour; the cake should
spring back when pressed gently in the center. Immediately upon
removing the cake from the oven, prick the top with a long-tined fork or
thin skewer and pour the lemon juice-sugar syrup all over the top until
completely covered. Cool in the pan to allow the syrup to be soaked up
and create a moist and tangy cake.

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Last Modified: Nov. 14, 1998