2305 Vinny Miller - Pigpen

12ep TAD2305 (2003): Pigbag (04:06), The Yes-No Game (01:27) [CAD2404CD], Bagged and Tagged (04:59) [CAD2404CD]

513 Cocteau Twins - The Pink Opaque

cd CAD513CD (1985): Pearly-Dewdrops'Drops [AD405], Pepper Tree [AD405], The Spangle Maker [BAD405], Wax And Wane [R CAD211], Musette And Drums [CAD313], Hitherto [BAD314], From The Flagstones [CTBOX2], Millemillenary [NONNME1], Lorelei [CAD412], Aikea-Guinea [AD501]

Sleeve by 23 Envelope. Released in the US on LP (EMC8040), cassette (EMCT8040) and CD (EMCD8040)

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