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What is Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes in ENGLISH
(many thanks to Jenny
Newbury, who maintains this English version)
Table of Contents
Websites for Sherlock
Major Sherlockian Resources,
Useful Information,
Specialized Sites,
Web Rings
Multimedia Holmes
Art, Graphics,
Photos, and
On the Computer,
In TV and Cinema
Sherlock and the Written Word
The Canon Online,
Canon Word Searches,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
Books, Journals, Publishers,
Essays and Articles,
Pastiches and Fan Fiction
Sherlock's Fans
Societies and Clubs,
Internet Mailing Lists,
Festivals and Conferences,
Individuals' Holmes Pages
Sherlockian Places to Visit
Museums, Libraries, Restaurants, Pubs, Inns, Hotels
Sherlockian Items for Sale
Online Auctions,
Audio Recordings,
Computer Software,
Games and Chess pieces,
Figurines and Artwork,
Clothing, Pipes, and Victorian Dress-Up,

Franco-Midland Hardware Company - Established in 1989 to provide
activities for those living in the Midlands region of England. Now one of
the most active Holmesian groups in the world, with an international
Head-Llamas - branch of the Franco Midland Hardware Company,
specializing in the natural history of the Canon.
The Sherlock Holmes Society of
London - Literary and social society with a world-wide membership,
founded in 1951.
In the USA:
The Sherlock Holmes Appreciation Society
Alabama: Birmingham: The Genius
Alabama: Decatur:
The Wandersing Gypsies of Grimpen Mire
Lowell: Moriarty's Mathematicians
California: San Francisco Bay Area: The Scowrers & Molly Maguires of San
Fransisco, The Knights of the Gnomon, and The Noble West Enders
California: Monterey Peninsula: The Diogenes Club
California: Livermore: The Knights of the Gnomon
Los Angeles: The Blustering Gales from the South-West
California: Los
Angeles: The Goose Club of the Alpha Inn
California: Los Angeles:
The Curious Collectors of Baker Street
Illinois: Champaign-Urbana:
The Double-Barrelled Tiger Cubs
Lexington: The Bluegrass Sherlock Holmes Page - Neil Travis Honaker
is looking for fellow enthusiasts in the area
Maryland: Baltimore
and vicinity: On this page, Les Moskowitz lists upcoming events
for The Six Napoleons, The Carlton Club, Watson's Tin Box, The Oxbridge
Scholars, The Denizens of the Bar of Gold and The Red Circle.
Massachusetts: Boston:
The Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club of Boston
Michigan: Detroit
The Ribston-Pippins
The Speckled Band, The Sherlock Holmes Society of Minnesota; site under construction
Minneapolis: The Norwegian Explorers Sherlock Holmes Society - at the
University of Minnesota
Missouri: St.
Charles: The Harpooners of the Sea Unicorn
St. Louis: The Parallel Case of St. Louis. See also this page.
Omaha and Lincoln: The Maiwand Jezails - BSI Scion
New Jersey: Cape May:
The Capers of Sherlock Holmes
New Mexico: ?: The Shadows
of the Elm, a scion society founded by an elementary school class in 1990.
New Mexico?: ?: Wilson's Basement
New York: Buffalo:
The Sherlock Holmes Society of Buffalo
Oregon: Portland:
The Vamberry Wine Merchants. (Also the site for the Annual Holmesian Games)
Oregon: Portland: Friends
of the Pondicherry Lodge
Pennsylvania: Carlisle: The Brooks of Carlisle
Pennsylvania: York:
The White Rose Irregulars
South Carolina:
Greenville The Survivors of the Gloria Scott, Knights of Shag
Carolina: Myrtle Beach: The Strand's Sherlockian Society
Tennessee: Nashville:The
Three Pipe Problem.
Williamsburg - The Cremona Fiddlers
Washington, D.C.: The Red Circle: a Washington Post article about the
club and organizer Peter Blau
Washington: Seattle: The
Sound of the Baskervilles, via Stu Shiffman's homepage
In Australia:
Conferences, Festivals, and Events
Sherlock Holmes
Festival - November 4-7, 1999 in Tryon, North Carolina. Featuring
Gillette's play.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS - kept up-to-date by Porlock at
Yoxley Old Place
Play - Lupen Productions presents The Memoirs of Sherlock
Holmes at the Actors' Theater in Santa Cruz, California, May, 1999.
1999 Season of the Globe Theatre - In Odessa, Texas: Baker Street Nights Plays based on Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. . August 19, 20, 21 at 8 PM. August 22 at 2:30 PM.
Biennial John Bennett Shaw Memorial Conference for Sherlockian Studies -
(Sept. 25-27, 1998) in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Sherlock Holmes
Society of Seattle 10th Annual International Holmesian Games - Sept.
19 -20, 1998 in Seattle, Washington

Hounds of the Internet (HOUNDS-L) - The Hounds of the Internet is the
first Internet-based scion of the Baker Street Irregulars. We discuss the
Watsonian Canon, the tales of the times of Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his
friend, Dr. John Watson. We discuss anything and everything relating to the
Holmesian world. We discuss one story per week. 546 listed subscribers in 22
countries and five continents. The list is managed by Les Moskowitz
The Bakerstreet
E-regulars - a spinoff from the Hounds, with a more
laissez-faire, anything-goes type attiude... This list is managed by John
L. Sielke. To subscribe: send e-mail to with the
subject line of the message blank, and the text reading "subscribe
ACD - An internet
discussion group sponsored by the
Arthur Conan Doyle
Society. Here's their
description of the list: "The Group does not replace, or compete with, other
similar discussion groups, but offers a forum for educated discussion of all
aspects of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: his life, works, associates, and
characters. In particular the group welcomes an open discussion of ACD's
Sherlockian literature, and the writings which have grown out of that
A spinoff from the Hounds and maintained by Rebecca Bohner. It is
dedicated to the discussion and analysis of Laurie R. King's series of
mysteries featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes. At present there are
nearly 200 subscribers, and the list has passed the 100-week mark with
discussions as lively, entertaining, and polite (!) as ever.
- Also:
Dorothy-L -
DOROTHYL is a discussion and idea list in DIGEST form for the
lovers of the mystery genre. It was concocted by a group
of women librarians at a July 1991 Washington, D.C. meeting
of the Association of Research Libraries and named in honor
of one of the great women mystery writers of the century. Agatha
Christie and Josephine Tey were strong contenders, but
Dorothy L. Sayers had a LISTSERV-blessed middle initial.
Gaslight -
Gaslight is an internet discussion list which reviews one story a week from
the genres of mystery, adventure and The Weird, written between 1800 and

Alphabetical Listing
(Bold indicates pages with especially good sherlockian content and/or design, IMHO)
Aspin, Mark:
Sherlock Holmes Page - fanpage with some different pictures
Bayne, Tom:
Gaslight on the Web - Commentary on Sherlock Holmes in all of his many
incarnations, plus art and photos!
Buckley, Peter:
The Seventeen Steps - nice site with a little bit of everything
Cohen, Erez: Erez's
SH page - about ACD, movies, pictures, sounds, quotes, links
Coules, Bert:
Homepage for the writer of BBC's Sherlockian radio dramas
"Crescent": Sherlock Holmes - Includes tributes to Jeremy Brett, and Doyle
as well as links and exerpts from a novel-in-progress
Derango, Tirk: Sherlock Holmes
working on being the internets best resource for the famous detective;
currently includes an online Canon.
Dobson, Andrew: Baker
Street Irregulars - Links, pictures, etc. (not The BSI)
Rogers, Marakay: Sherlock
101 - How to become a Sherlockian
Elsom, Helen:
Sherlock Holmes Links - includes her parodies
and pastiches
Flemen, Rob: Rob's Holmespage
- fan page, with an emphasis on pipes and cigars
Flock?, Maria: Sherlock
Holmes In My Life - A different sort of fan page, with commentary
arranged according to story and some interesting photos
Frankland, M.: Lafter
Hall: With special emphasis on A Scandal in Bohemia and Dr. Watson.
Franklin, Sheryl: 221b
Baker Street - Sherlockian superlatives, links, and a collection of
Gort, Tom: Sherlock
Holmes - links to stories, cute Sherlock graphic
Herbert P. - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
Holmes, Sherlock S.: 221b Baker
Street Office - Apparently that's his real name. Site
contains loads of links, quotes, a chat room, and more...
Honaker, Neil
Travis: The Bluegrass Sherlock Holmes Page - He's looking for fellow
enthusiasts in the Lexington, KY area
Klinger, Leslie: Under
the Jackknife... The Sherlockian Mantel - personal info and sherlockian
Ron: All things Sherlockian - nice layout of links and graphics
The Lady of
Shalott- Specializing in Sherlockian Fan-fiction
Lavazzi, Chuck:
The Doge of St. Louis - the maintainer of the Holmes FAQ, also
includes some original Sherlockian papers.
Lowther, Richard: 221b Baker - "The
home of Sherlock Holmes on the web", a site currently under construction by
Richard Lowther, Karl Newton, and Keith Brint
Irene: Sherlock Holmes, the consulting detective - some personal
commentary with a very large picture
Moore, David: The Valley of Fear -
Includes basics on Sherlock Holmes and Doyle, some photos from Granada
studios, London, and the Sherlock Holmes Museum, as well as describing
interests in Holmes memorabilia
Moskowitz, Les:
The Sherlockian Connection - Lots of links loosely organized according
to quality of content, from the moderator of the Hounds of the Internet
Mouthaan, Koen:
Sherlock Holmes is alive and kicking - links
Pack, Dave:
Holmes' Place A fan page with a funky design
Pai, Shraddha: Oh, you
don't know Sherlock Holmes yet! - A very pleasant and unique fan page:
includes a dedication to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and quite a lot of content,
such as a Sherlockian FAQ, exerpts from the Hounds of the Internet postings,
and lots more.
"Porlock, Fred":
Yoxley Old Place - A Sherlockian BBS with lots of content, that is
constantly being updated.
Kristopher: Foxhound's Holmes Page - With articles, essays and pastiches
(and some clever graphics)
Redmond, Chris: A
Sherlockian Holmepage - this is THE page
Rich, Craig: Craig's
Mystery Page - a fan page with links
Jim: Sherlock Holmes 221b Baker St. - with an interactive adventure
Rorhman, Dave: The
Diabolical Moriarty Page - Nice design and a great trivia quiz.
Roylott:" My Sherlock Holmes tin box - Links with commentary, "Top 10
Reasons why Watson loved being with Holmes," Acrostic
Shackleford, Lee - A freelance artist with a nifty homepage and diverse
Sherlockian interests. Check out the great Holmesian cartoons
Sherman, Michael: 221b Baker Street - Text of the canon, audio clips,
illustrations & photos, nice design...
Sielke, John -
Links and info on the Bakerstreet E-regulars listserv
"Sigerson, Sherlockia
Vernet" - Out of the Clue, little content at the moment, will contain
Soucek, David: Camden House -
Sherlockian content in English, German, and Czech. Beautiful design and content
Stampe, Mia: I hear of Sherlock
everywhere... - articles, graphics, Top 10 ways to recognize that you
are a Sherlockian...
Thornton, Shari: The Greatest
Detective of All Time - with a nice photo gallery of Holmeses and Watsons
?: Sherlock
Holmes - links and some commentary
?: Shadows -
The Pondicherry Lodge site promises more content in the future
?, Brendan: Sherlockiana - Right now, this is just a few links to other pages
Sherlock Holmes International is the forum for the viewpoints of Sherlock
Holmes's fans wordwide.
I don't want to keep this wonderful url adress to myself:
I would like for it to be valuable to all "Holmesians," whatever their language.
It's why you can write me ( (only in French or
in English, please) in order to add a Holmesian site which is not listed
on this page. (Don't forget to mention which international page the new address
is for!). Also, you can
write to Jenny Newbury, who maintains this English version.
If a language is not a part of Sherlock Holmes International, you can
also ask me to create a new Welcome Page in this language, but please help
with the translation! ;-)
Also, you can visit my web site
about Sherlock Holmes "Les Dix Sept Marches". It is in French,
but some pages are also translated into other languages.
Sherlock Holmes International is neither a commerical site nor an
association. It's an independent website based on the principle of
free-willed, international aid to the glory of the tenants of 221B Baker