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What is Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes in ENGLISH
(many thanks to Jenny
Newbury, who maintains this English version)
Table of Contents
Websites for Sherlock
Major Sherlockian Resources,
Useful Information,
Specialized Sites,
Web Rings
Multimedia Holmes
Art, Graphics,
Photos, and
On the Computer,
In TV and Cinema
Sherlock and the Written Word
The Canon Online,
Canon Word Searches,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
Books, Journals, Publishers,
Essays and Articles,
Pastiches and Fan Fiction
Sherlock's Fans
Societies and Clubs,
Internet Mailing Lists,
Festivals and Conferences,
Individuals' Holmes Pages
Sherlockian Places to Visit
Museums, Libraries, Restaurants, Pubs, Inns, Hotels
Sherlockian Items for Sale
Audio Recordings,
Computer Software,
Games and Chess pieces,
Figurines and Artwork,
Clothing, Pipes, and Victorian Dress-Up,

General -
Online Auctions -
Videos -
Audio Recordings -
Books -
Computer Software/CD-Roms -
Games and Chess Pieces-
Figurines and Artwork-
Clothing, Pipes, and Victorian Dress-Up -
This is a link collection, and not any sort of endorsement for
the products and companies listed below.
Brits - Carrying anything
British, based in the heartland of the USA. Online catalog includes
Sherlock Holmes videos.
Sherlock Holmes
Gift Shop - From Literary Connections, a variety of items including chess
sets, street signs, coins, and key rings.
The Sherlock Holmes Memorabilia
Company - A wide variety of merchandise (mugs, pipes, key rings, etc.),
all Sherlockian
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Shop
- Original Strand magazines, coffee mugs, etc. (nicely designed site!)
The Sherlock Holmes Shoppe -
Offering books, tapes, computer accessories, notecards, etc. Also Sherlockian
articles, news, pastiches and a trivia game
Sherlocktron's List of
Purveyors - Extensive listing of merchants, their sherlockian items for
sale and contact info
Skeletons in the Closet - The
Los Angeles County Coroner's Office Gift Shop has some Sherlockian items for
sale. (Proceeds go to charity)
William S. Dorn
- A Sherlockian who has books, note cards, and calendars for sale
Victoriana Shops
Directory - not specifically Sherlockian, but a very thorough listing
of all things Victorian and commerical.
Online Auctions
Generally, these auction sites are the forums in which the auction takes place:
the actual monetary transaction between the winning bidder and the seller
takes place privately. Great deals can be found, particularly on used books, BUT
prices can also become dramatically overblown.
Some free advice on buying from an online auction:
- Know the value of the item you are bidding on: when in doubt, try checking
out the prices on similar items listed on some of these Sherlock-for-sale
- Pay attention to the seller's feedback profile from her/his previous sales:
The vast majority of sellers are prompt and reliable, but don't bother placing
a bid if the seller has recent complaints about quality, financial transactions,
- If you really want an item, bid towards the end of the auction
- Arthur Conan Doyle's "signature" was often signed by his personal
secretary, so watch out.
A and E Biography Series -
Sherlock Holmes: The Great Detective - Documentary examining Sherlock
Holmes side by side with Conan Doyle
BRC Productions -
Audio and Video recordings
British Fantasy - Offering the
Granada series with Jeremy Brett (Adventures, Casebook, Return, and 3
- Memoirs of Sherlock
Holmes - The Granada/Brett series available at discount from MysteryNet
Movies Unlimited
- Variety of classic Holmes films, including: a pair of silent Holmes films,
and the Holmeses by Raymond Massey, Arthur Wonter, Basil Rathbone,
John Longden, Peter Cushing, Robert Stephens, and Edward Woodward.
MPI Media - Granada
Videos: Memoirs, Adventures, Return, Casebook, and features
Mystery Movies - A site for fans
of classic mystery movies; including videotape auctions and sales
Sherlock Holmes and
The Chinese Heroine - a 1994 Chinese Film
Videos to Trade - Several
Sherlockian videos available
See also: Search for
"Sherlock Holmes" and over 80 videos pop up. Available for sale or rent. Also
- Booksellers
Baker Street Books - Sellers of
mystery and detective fiction, with some Sherlockian offerings.
- - Publisher's close outs; great discounts
Breese Books - Offering
Sherlock Holmes novels by William Seil and Val Andrews
BMD Books - Buy and sell used
books from Victorian Age to the present
Calabash Press - Books
by Sherlockians for Sherlockians
Firebird -
Specializing in books from British and US small presses
Publications - "Books of lasting interest in the field of Sherlock
Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle"
Janus Books - Detective, Mystery, and
Suspense Fiction Bookstore in Tucson, AZ.
Ken Pierce Books -
Offering a selection of Holmesian comic books
Mysteries By Mail - Discount books: Look for the Sherlockiana link
The Mysterious Bookshop _
The World's largest mystery bookstore, located in New York City (and also
Los Angeles). Large
collection of Sherlock Holmes books for sale via email orders or phone
Rupert Books - Specialists in Doyle and Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes Bookstore -
Tomes - From Yoxley Old Place, an online source for all your Holmesian
Teapot Press - "Little books for
Victorian pursuits" including a newsletter on domestic issues in the canon.
- See also: and
Barnes and Noble online
- Used Books, Rare & Collectible Books
- Specific titles
Audio Recordings
Computer Software/CD-ROMS
Games and Chess Pieces
Jigsaw Puzzle - The
Adventure of the Speckled Band 1,000 piece puzzle
- Playing Cards - featuring
Holmes, from D. J. McAdam's Antiquarian Books
- Games -
Games Unique offers Sherlock-oriented board games, card games, and chess
- Board Games - from John
H. Hansen Co. Inc.
Chess Sets - A variety of styles at a variety of prices:
From JaMar Galleries,
The Game
Games Imported,
SAC Chess Sets
(See also here or
here), and
a la carte Collections
Figurines and Artwork
Clothing, Jewelry, Pipes, and Victorian Dress-Up
Sherlock Holmes International is the forum for the viewpoints of Sherlock
Holmes's fans wordwide.
I don't want to keep this wonderful url adress to myself:
I would like for it to be valuable to all "Holmesians," whatever their language.
It's why you can write me ( (only in French or
in English, please) in order to add a Holmesian site which is not listed
on this page. (Don't forget to mention which international page the new address
is for!). Also, you can
write to Jenny Newbury, who maintains this English version.
If a language is not a part of Sherlock Holmes International, you can
also ask me to create a new Welcome Page in this language, but please help
with the translation! ;-)
Also, you can visit my web site
about Sherlock Holmes "Les Dix Sept Marches". It is in French,
but some pages are also translated into other languages.
Sherlock Holmes International is neither a commerical site nor an
association. It's an independent website based on the principle of
free-willed, international aid to the glory of the tenants of 221B Baker